Unlock real-world experiences by connecting your digital assets to Apple and Google Wallet

Trusted by brands, communities, and builders you know and love

LacosteRTFKTAdam Bomb SquadEuropa LabsTropeeCrossmintUnlockBlock Bar
Current live on 15+ chains and testnets

Use Cases

Engage with your collectors by connecting their NFTs to passes for tickets, loyalty cards, or coupons.

Event Tickets

Make event entry fast and seamless. Create passes for events that you wish to host for specific NFT holders.

Membership Access

Grant members exclusive access to IRL venues such as art galleries, hotels, sports clubs, gyms, and more.


Give customers an infinitely-updateable, personalized mobile wallet coupon.

Loyalty Cards

Easily reward your customers with exclusive perks that can be redeemed at retail shops and restaurants.

Update Passes in Real-Time

Keep customers updated and drive them to take action with notifications or location triggers.


Send push notifications to your customers with updates, offers, or new information.

Location Targeting

Define up to 10 different GPS location for each pass to notify customers on their lock screens when they are nearby.

Ready to get started?Request access.


Our APIs provide a convenient solution to manage, generate, issue, and update passes with one API for Apple and Google Wallet

Branded Passes

Create personalized passes to match your brand.

Real-Time Updates

Keep passes updated and drive your customers to take action with real-time updates


Send notifications to your customers’ wallet app with updates, offers, or new information

Location Targeting

Define up to 10 different GPS location for each pass to notify customers on their lock screen when they are nearby

Multi/Private Chain

Currently live on Ethereum, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum, BSC, Gnosis, Base and Hedera. Easily adaptable to any public or private EVM chain

Easy to Integrate

Unified API to manage, generate, issue, and update passes for Apple and Google Wallet

Live Demo